Terms & Conditions
9.1 LYLIE operates a Gold and Precious Metals Exchange: If you have any gold, platinum or silver jewellery which is broken, unused or unloved, you can recycle it with us, and we will offer a credit note towards any LYLIE purchase. The process is described on gold-exchange
9.2 Access to the Gold Exchange is via the Website: you need to fill in the form, and then photograph and send us the metal items as described.
9.3 Our postal labels/pouches carry insurance to a value of £2,500. If your items may be of a greater value than this, please call us to discuss.
9.4 We will test your items within 3 working days of receipt by us, and (if we offer to acquire them from you) the offer price will be set according to the price of the metals on the test date. We do not guarantee that we will offer to acquire your items from you.
9.5 By sending us items for assessment and testing, you are confirming that the items belong to you and/or that you are authorised by the owner(s) to transfer full legal title in them to us. You confirm that you will indemnify us for any costs, charges, expenses or claims we may face as a result of receiving, holding, working with or recycling the items you send us.
9.6 If your items contain stones or other materials that need to be unset before the weight of the metal can be accurately ascertained, we will charge you £17.50 per item payable in advance. This fee is deducted from the credit given for the metal. You accept that there is a risk of breakage or that stones may be chipped during the unsetting process and that, whilst we will take reasonable care, we have no liability should this occur.
9.7 We reserve the right to hold the goods for 10 working days without issuing a credit note or value, should the metals have no visible or clear hallmark or should repairs have been done to the piece in the past potentially resulting in mixed metal carats. This allows us time to get a more detailed X-ray test off-sight.
9.8 A credit note issued to you in respect of the Gold Exchange has no expiry date. It has no cash value and can only be spent in full or partial discharge of the cost of our Products.
9.9 The Gold Exchange is available only to customers with UK addresses.